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[CIT2010]多排CT在介入治疗中的应用:如何将CT影像信息用于慢性完全闭塞病变介入治疗?——Prof. Kyo专访
Application of MDCT in PCI for Patients with CTO Lesions——Live Interview with Professor Eisho Kyo
 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/4/12 16:55:00    加入收藏
 标签:专家访谈(专题)  关键字:CT MDCT 

<International Circulation>: MDCT has a high radiation dose. Also, radiation dose during PCI for CTO is quite high. Therefore, we would like to know how to avoid radiation injuries for patients with CTO?

Prof. Kyo: After MDCT became available we usually use MDCT before conducting a CTO procedure. It can give us more information on the characteristics of the CTO lesion such as hardness or the course of the vessel. As a result, it can help the operator to shorten the procedure. Thus, if you can shorten the procedure time you can lessen the radiation exposure.


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