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[CIT2010]DES后双联疗程——David E. Kandzari 特邀演讲
作者:DavidE.Kandzari 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/4/6 13:24:00    加入收藏
 标签:专家访谈(专题)  关键字:DES David E. Kandzari 

<International Circulation>: How do new stent designs such as bioabsorbable stents affect dual antiplatelet therapy duration?

Dr. Kandzari: I think that is a concept that is promising but still needs to be proven specifically to whether or not stents with a bioabsorbable polymer that can conceptually go back to a bare-metal stent can reduce the risks late term of stent thrombosis or improve safety. Intuitively, it seems to be the case, but conceptually it is one that needs to be proven over long term follow-up. I think that whether it is with bioabsorbable polymers or bioabsorbable stents, whether we can abbreviate antiplatelet therapy is something that needs to be studied.

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